Taking the place of a run-down office building in the heart of the City of London, the striking new “Motel One” building by “Mackay + Partners” features ground-breaking use of DuPont™ Corian® high-tech surface as an illuminated façade.
Most recent articles
Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
24 October 2017, by Telkea -
Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
24 October 2017, by TelkeaTaking the place of a run-down office building in the heart of the City of London, the striking new “Motel One” building by “Mackay + Partners” features ground-breaking use of DuPont™ Corian® high-tech surface as an illuminated façade.
The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. The name says it all. For the company’s new German headquarters in the north of Munich, enormous panels in Corian® design surface resemble gigantic windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. The name says it all. For the company’s new German headquarters in the north of Munich, enormous panels in Corian® design surface resemble gigantic windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. The name says it all. For the company’s new German headquarters in the north of Munich, enormous panels in Corian® design surface resemble gigantic windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. The name says it all. For the company’s new German headquarters in the north of Munich, enormous panels in Corian® design surface resemble gigantic windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
La nuova facciata della sede centrale di Microsoft in Germania risplende grazie a Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. Un nome famoso in tutto il mondo. La sua nuova sede centrale in Germania, situata nella zona nord della città di Monaco, è caratterizzata da enormi pannelli in Corian® design surface applicati sulla facciata esterna. Il loro aspetto ricorda quello di gigantesche finestre che si affacciano sul paesaggio. Questo moderno edificio per uffici è il luogo ideale per ospitare spazi lavorativi contemporanei. La sua struttura rispetta i principali criteri che Microsoft ricerca in materia di flessibilità e apertura degli ambienti di lavoro.
La fachada de la nueva sede de Microsoft Alemania ofrece una fascinante profundidad gracias a Corian®
24 October 2017, by TelkeaMicrosoft. El nombre lo dice todo. Para la nueva sede de la compañía en Alemania, al norte de Múnich, enormes paneles de la superficie de diseño Corian® simulan ser las grandes ventanas de la compañía que se abren al paisaje circundante. Inaugurada en octubre de 2016, el moderno edificio de oficinas es el lugar idóneo para alojar soluciones de trabajo contemporáneas. Su diseño se ajusta a todos los criterios relevantes que Microsoft espera para un espacio de trabajo abierto y flexible.
Fassade der Zukunft Microsoft Deutschlandzentrale erstrahlt dank Corian® mit faszinierender Tiefenwirkung
24 October 2017, by TelkeaDer Name ist Programm: Wie große Fenster erlebt der Betrachter die von ausladenden Rahmen aus Corian® eingefassten Gebäudeteile der neuen Microsoft Deutschlandzentrale in der Parkstadt Schwabing im Norden Münchens. Das moderne Bürogebäude bietet seit seiner Eröffnung im Oktober 2016 ideale Bedingungen für zeitgemäße Formen der Zusammenarbeit und entspricht damit ganz den Kriterien von Microsoft für ein offenes und flexibles Arbeitsumfeld.
Futuriste : Une profondeur fascinante grâce à Corian® pour la nouvelle façade du siège Microsoft en Allemagne
24 October 2017, by TelkeaJuillet 2017 - Microsoft. Tout est dans le nom. Pour le nouveau siège allemand de l’entreprise au nord de Munich, les énormes panneaux en Corian® ressemblent à des fenêtres gigantesques qui s’ouvrent sur le paysage environnant. Ouvert en octobre 2016, ce bâtiment intègre tous les critères que Microsoft attend des espaces de travail : l’ouverture et la flexibilité.