Corian(r) Exteriors is innovation through beauty, color and depth. It is strength and purity, reliability and performance. Corian(r) Exteriors brings personality to virtually any type of environment, enhancing and facilitating the lives of those who use and enjoy its unique potential.
Long-lasting, durable and elegant, Corian(r) Exteriors has a three-dimensional formability liberating inventive and artistic minds for 50 years. It is an advanced blend of natural minerals and acrylic (…)
Most recent articles
Функции и предимства
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Cechy i zalety Corian®
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Caratteristiche e vantaggi
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Características y beneficios disponibles
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Eigenschaften und Vorteile
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Propriétés et avantages de Corian®
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton, Telkea -
Features and Benefits
5 October 2017, by Kate McElhatton -
Modern Facades with Corian® Exteriors
8 August 2017, by Telkea -
Modern Facades with Corian® Exteriors
8 August 2017, by TelkeaCorian(r) Exteriors is innovation through beauty, color and depth. It is strength and purity, reliability and performance. Corian(r) Exteriors brings personality to virtually any type of environment, enhancing and facilitating the lives of those who use and enjoy its unique potential.
Long-lasting, durable and elegant, Corian(r) Exteriors has a three-dimensional formability liberating inventive and artistic minds for 50 years. It is an advanced blend of natural minerals and acrylic (…) -
Създайте открояваща се фасада с Corian® Exteriors
8 August 2017, by TelkeaCorian(r) Exteriors панели предлагат иновация, съчетана със стил, цвят и дълбочина. Те осигуряват издръжливост и изчистеност, надеждност и функционалност. Панелите Corian(r) Exteriros придават индивидуалност на практически всеки тип среда, като подобряват и улесняват живота на всички, които използват и се наслаждават на уникалния им потенциал.
Дълготрайни, издръжливи и елегантни, външните облицовки Corian(r) са с възможност за триизмерен дизайн, който вече 50 години предоставя на (…)